Dann here, checking in from my writing lair where I've sequestered myself for the past few weeks so I can get Dusty's Beachin’ Good Snack Shack drafted. (Of course, I will always take a break when Flurry, my American Eskimo dog, needs a little loving. Oh, and hubby, too.) 😊
The first draft to the novel, which belongs to a brand new series called Short Orders, is almost finished. Next, I segue to my favorite part of the writing process—revisions! That’s when the novel attains its heart and soul—and corrections. Like making sure Dusty’s eyes are the same color on page 100 as they were on page 50.
I’m excited about Snack Shack. It’s lighter than the darker romances I’ve written. Without the more controversial subject matter, I can focus on the hot, sexy stud (who almost never wears a shirt) at the helm of a busy snack shop on the Strip in Myrtle Beach. He's mostly unfazed by the frequent requests for hookups, dates—and even marriage proposals. He rejects them all with the savoir-faire one would expect from a titled aristocrat. Oh, the irony! After all, he's a beach rat hawking ice cream, pastries and candy at the beach!
But I admire Dusty—and not just because he’s mine. He has high expectations and won't settle for anything (much) less than perfection—especially when it comes to romance. That’s why there are quite a few heartbroken guys along the Grand Strand.
Then, Ken shows up at the Snack Shack with his college buddies, looking for something sweet after he and his friends—ahem, overindulged. Funny thing is, Ken has no interest in Dusty. Ken thinks Dusty is a little bit “tacky.” Who serves customers ice cream wearing a hair covering but no shirt? And while Dusty thinks Ken is a little “bougee,” he still can't look away.
So, the games begin. Dusty chases Ken until finally, the tide turns.
I intend for this one to be a fun romp through the pitfalls of dating in one's 20s. It's difficult to navigate the unknown terrain and you never know who’s on top.
I'll keep you posted as the book continues to evolve.
Until its release, please check out Armed and Ready for Love, the first of my Aphrodite in Disguise Dark Gay Romance series. Its release date is November 6, 2024.
Until next time, hugs and kisses.